Welcome to Message Design: How to Strategically Plan Individual Communications, the first textbook on the subject of Message Design. And hopefully it's the most fun, intriguing and useful Communications / Marketing / Design content you'll receive this year. This is the culmination of a message design plan created for you. In this era of 140-character communications (not 140-pages, mind you, but characters!), our analysis of our target audience (again, namely, you) indicated that shorter, uniquely designed, more fun content would get a better response.
Message Design covers:
A History of message design
Fundamental 1: know your message
Fundamental 2: know you audience
Fundamental 3: know your desired outcome
Fundamental 4: know your communication medium
Key elements: story, emotion, connection
Bringing it all together with Message Design Roadmaps(tm)
Info on Corporations message design, non-profit message design, political message design, crisis management and more
Creating your own message design plan
Our goal is to guide you along the path to teach yourself how to strategically plan individual communications. It’s also our hope that it’s a fun journey for you as well. We look forward to accompanying you on the path!
Message Design: How to Strategically Plan Individual Communications (2014). Niedle, Jason and Ross, Michael with Millan, Tesz. Los Angeles: Tethos Publications. ISBN: 978-0-9860347-2-5